Daily routine

The routine of the day is not a strict timetable but provides a flexible framework for structure and familiarity: it will change throughout the week and across the year to adapt to the changing needs of children and to take into account of seasonal and nursery-wide events.

The Nursery is divided into two classes, each led by an experienced qualified teacher. Within each class, children are assigned to one of three colour groups, each supported by a Key Person. The Teacher has oversight of all of the children in the class and works closely with each Key Person.

The children have opportunity through the session for ‘free flow’, to explore all of our three classrooms: Robin, Kingfisher and Woodpecker, each of which is set up to offer different learning experiences.

Throughout the session there is a balance of adult led activity and child initiated learning, which enables the children to practise skills taught during the adult led activities.

It is helpful if you can arrive promptly at the start of your child’s session, though of course we understand that you may have older children to drop at school first. You will be welcomed at the front door and the children are then taken into nursery. We encourage independence from Day One so let them hang up their coats and bags themselves ready to start their nursery session. The children will play outside for a part of every day, so wellie boots in school and a coat with a hood are a must.

Nursery routine





Child initiated play and learning (indoors & outdoors)



Small group learning



Child initiated play (indoors & outdoors )



Phonics/songs & rhymes



Story time



Home time/transition to Day Care



For information about the curriculum we offer, see the Teaching and Learning page.