Statutory information

On this page we signpost information that, as a maintained school, the DfE requires us to publish on our website.
Paper copies of key documents and the information published on the website are available from the school office on request.

School contact details

How to get in touch and the names of key contacts are given on the Contact Us page

School opening hours

The nursery's hours of operation are from 8.30am to 3.30pm, with 15-hour nursery sessions from 8.30 - 11.30 and 12.30 - 3.30 each day, and 30 hours' sessions from either 8.30 - 2.30 or 9.30 - 3.30.

Batford Day Care offers wraparound care on a fee paying basis from 7.30am to 6.00pm.


Admission arrangements

Please see the Admissions section for details of admission arrangements, including how to apply and oversubscription criteria.


Ofsted reports

To view our latest Ofsted report please follow this link to the Key Information section.


Our summary SEF (Self Evaluation Form)

This is the link to our Summary SEF, looking at strengths of the school and areas for development in the four Ofsted inspection areas.



Details of our curriculum offer are within the Nursery Prospectus section.

Learning through play

Teaching and Learning

Reading and phonics

Enhanced curriculum


Behaviour policy

The school's behaviour policy (including anti-bullying), together with the governors' written statement of behaviour principles, is published on our Policies page.

School complaints procedure

We care what you think and hope that all concerns can be addressed before they become a complaint.  If matters do escalate, you can find our complaints procedure on our policies page.

Pupil Premium

You can read about our Early Years Pupil Premium strategy on our EYPP page, and find out how we have spent our pupil premium grant last academic year and the impact of that expenditure on eligible and other pupils.

Special educational needs (SEN) and disability information

We publish our SEND Offer, which gives information about our school's policy for pupils with SEN and/or disabilities, and update this annually.  Our SEN Policy and Accessibility Plan are found in the Policies section.

Equality objectives

We set equality objectives in summer 2019 and will monitor progress against these.  You can also find out on this page how we comply with the public sector equality duty.

Governors' information and duties

Information about our governors and the work of the governing body is on the Governance page.

Charging and remissions policy

Schools are not permitted to make any charge for admission applications or for education of children and there are very few circumstances  in which we would make a charge.  These circumstances and our policy on requesting voluntary contributions are covered in our Charging and remissions policy published on the Policies page

Values and ethos

We have a shared values with Batford Day Care and you will find these in the Aims and Values  page within the Nursery Prospectus pages.


Financial benchmarking

You can find out about how we spend our funding on the DFE Financial Benchmarking site.


Remote learning offer

Where children are unable to attend school due to health issues or exceptional school closure, we will offer remote learning opportunities and support for parents and children.  A learning programme will be uploaded to Tapestry, including phonics, maths and yoga activities, a general learning/Forest School activity as well as a bespoke activity once per week tailored to your child’s learning.   
In addition, we have a list of general activities on our Facebook and Instagram pages which will support families with remote learning during the absence from school.