Please would you inform us of the school your child has been allocated and if you are still on a continued interest list. Please complete this form as soon as possible but no later than Wednesday 1st May 2024. In the second part of summer term, to ensure a smooth transition to primary school we talk to the children about their new schools and show them their new uniform. This is a great opportunity to discuss who is going to which school. Often reception teachers visit the nursery to meet the children transitioning into their new reception classes. We also set up a school uniform shop in the home corner so the children can try on new uniforms. We display the children's pictures next to a photo of their new primary school and we discuss this with them as a group. This link requests your permission to have your child's photo on the afore mentioned display, share information verbally and written with the child's new primary school teacher and enable a smooth transition. We would also like to facilitate the opportunity for parents to share their contact details if they wish to do so with parents of children who are moving onto the same schools.